Devanshi nishar

Devanshi is a software engineer experienced in consumer-facing emerging technologies with an interest in antitrust and consumer privacy protections. She holds an Sc.B. in Computer Science from Brown University, where she was a head teaching assistant and DEI advocate focused on improving the retention of women and underrepresented minority students in computer science. She is passionate about ensuring technology is used ethically and equitably.

Previously at Google, Devanshi worked on products in the AR/VR, smart home, and voice assistant spaces. She created features for Blocks and Poly, tools aimed at making building AR/VR projects easier and more accessible. On Google Assistant, Devanshi worked on a variety of smart home features including improving dialog, authentication and access control, and Matter, the upcoming smart home interoperability protocol.

In her free time, Devanshi enjoys hiking, reading, and is an avid tennis fan.

Devanshi is serving the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee working on  technology and privacy issues across the committee's jurisdiction, such as data privacy and AI ethics