Web Summit: Cyberwarfare in 2022 Podcast

Alumni Geoff Cain discusses Cyberwarfare and threats in the Next Stage podcast.

Modern warfare, said Josh, extends beyond physical boundaries to the digital. Nowhere is this more obvious than the war in Ukraine where cyber-attacks have been part of Russia’s arsenal from the beginning.

When with the US army, Josh’s 2018 research found that the average iPhone was about one thousand times more secure than the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II, a trillion dollar fifth generation fighter jet.

Meanwhile newer tech like Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite - which has been used by Ukraine military - is using older technology protocols that can be tracked using a shop bought kit costing only 25 dollars. In fact, there are Twitter accounts that do this publicly, added Josh.

“The next conflict could end without a shot being fired because no aircraft takes off from the tarmac,” remarked the Shift5 founder.

Josh Lospinoso, co-founder and CEO, Shift5, was in conversation with Geoffrey Cain, author and freelance writer, Wired, on the FULLSTK stage at Collision 2022.