Meet the June 2022 Fellows: David Zhang

One of my biggest dreams growing up was to make a video game that would capture the hearts and imaginations of millions around the world - something that had a massive sense of scale, wonder, and excitement. I was so very lucky to accomplish just that at Sucker Punch Productions, where for the last six years we worked tirelessly on the game of our dreams: Ghost of Tsushima! But what comes after one achieves their lifetime goal?

For me, it was a time to reflect on what I wanted to create in this world. I knew I could create entertainment value, but working on user interface and gameplay features in an era of so much unrest, brokenness, and inexplicable hatred created a massive cognitive dissonance within me. So after we wrapped up Director’s Cut, it felt like the right time to take a risk and explore something that would give me the opportunity to create the kind of social good value I felt was needed.

Around this time, my close friend introduced me to various forms of change-making that bright, talented people all around the world were working on in the hopes of creating a better future. I was inspired by the passion and thoughtfulness these people put behind their work in areas like animal welfare, climate change, and global health. I was also getting more involved with political activism at this time, so one area that stood out to me was improving institutional decision making: the idea that helping our leaders make more well-informed choices would contribute to a better world.

I didn’t really know where to begin pursuing that kind of work; I was pretty sure I did not want to go back to school, and I had zero public policy experience save for one year of AP US Government in high school. So I shelved the idea as a far-off dream. But it wasn’t long after when a 2022 TechCongress fellow (shoutout to Joel Burke!) posted about this fellowship opportunity on a job board and encouraged me to take a chance on it.

I almost didn’t apply, since I felt vastly under-qualified (in part due to a lifetime struggle with imposter syndrome), especially after leafing through the incredible resumes of past fellows. But with the support of my incredible community and an ever-increasing desire to drive social good impact, I took the plunge - and I’m so glad I did!

I’m very excited for the opportunity to explore this brand new path, especially at a time when tech is so ubiquitous in our lives. Between current issues around cybersecurity and social media mis/disinformation, and emerging technologies like AI and the metaverse, there is plenty to be done in this space. There’s so much for me to learn, and I’m eager to take it on!

Through it all, I’m going to hold fast to the very principle that spurred me to make this career change, what I call my life’s guiding statement: “increase love, decrease harm.” Wish me luck!

David is serving with Rep. Lori Trahan (D-MA-03) and supporting issues related to data privacy, content moderation, misinformation and disinformation.